July 19, 2012

How to...

I apologize that I have been MIA here on my favorite site. I am knee deep in summer camp craziness at school and it makes for long hours, lots to do, and at the end of the day, a very tired Lauren. I promise I will be back (and be better than ever!!) in a couple of weeks. And in the meantime I will try my best to get some blogging in, but know I'd much rather spend time with you here.

I found this 'how to have a lovely day' via pinterest (of course) and thought it was sweet. So, from me to you, I am wishing you the loveliest of days!



  1. I 100% agree with this list! I try to apply a few of these a day. Dress well, give compliments, smile, and laugh..are my favorites.

    Except in France, I have to be careful with the smile at strangers bit because that's an invitation. :)

    Have a nice weekend, you busy bee!

    1. I was just talking to a friend who lives here in the states, but is from England and she says the same thing...no eye contact! That's not how they do it out there, that would be an invitation that you might not want to make. haha


  2. Adore this! I need to print it out and put it on my desk. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Isn't it so sweet?! I thought the same thing when I saw it.



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