April 18, 2012

LSL {The Lovely List} - Enjoy the Little Things



This is what is going through my head these days, to 'enjoy the little things' in life. There is so much to take simple delights in, yet I sometimes find myself overwhelmed with those same simple things. For instance with blog posting, I put pressure on myself to post more (which has not been happening, btw) and it's not that my posts are all that interesting. Or original. Don't get me wrong, LSL is my passion, it has really been something that I have been so proud of. I love finding interesting things to show off or discovering entertaining news/tips/DIY. But sometimes I put too much on myself to be perfect, for the blog to be perfect, for LSL to get noticed, to expand more, to grow it's readership... that I forget to enjoy the little things. So with that said, this post is a tiny glimpse into what I am currently enjoying. Sometimes it's just some pretty pictures that bring you back.


* Credit - 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9


  1. I do too! As well as that fun tutu-like skirt and that "I love you blogs and coffee" print. Is that asking too much?! ;)


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